Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Tagged by Heidi McKay--I'm It!

OK, I've been tagged! Yay! Here are some lists, with specifications to keep me from going overboard:

4 Jobs I've had:--during college or just after
Filing medical charts
Chester Children's Choir assistant
Assistant in the Quaker collection at Swarthmore
Deepwood Historical Estate tourguide

4 places I've lived:--associated with disasters
Fairfield CA during the '89 earthquake
Philippine Islands, between Marcos and Mt. Pinatubo
Providence, RI during the nightclub fire (I wasn't there)
Venice, Italy during a winter of 18 incidences of aqua alta (high water, i.e. flooding in the streets)

4 places I've visited:--that are off the beaten track that I recommend:
Alberobello, Italy
Escalante national Park, UT
Spiral Jetty by Robert Smithson, Great Salt Lake
Florence, OR

4 places I'd rather be now:--visiting loved ones in
Karlsruhe, Germany (hi Dan!)
Oxford, England (hi Samantha and Teru!)
Oregon (hi Mom, hi Daddy!)
Nauvoo (hi Nana!)

OK, media-time:

4 TV shows I like:--OK, we don't even have a moniter, so these are totally out of date...
The Muppet Show
Get Smart
um...I think I would like design shows, like when designers compete or create makeovers of homes and fashion for regular people...but maybe they are actually bad. I've never seen any, so maybe they are better in my head. I can't think of anything else now. Dan watches Detroit Tiger's games online...

4 movies I could watch over and over, besides Cold Comfort Farm:
The Incredibles! (I'm a big Pixar fan and can't wait to see Ratatouille again)
Roman Holiday (Audrey Hepburn is so stylish, even more so in Breakfast at Tiffany's)
Spirited Away (Miyazake is an animator genius!)
Children of Heaven (OK, I've only seen this once, but I recommend it. If that doesn't count, how about Babette's Feast, which I've seen 2-3 times.)

4 websites I like:
The Sartorialist Blog--fashion on the streets, in NY and Europe, especially good at men's fashion
Web Gallery of Art--good public images of paintings and you can send postcards!
Babyname Voyager--requires Java--or the Social Security website of Popular Names.
Shopping, among others: Zappos, IKEA-usa, or Baden-usa (a new discovery--thanks Freyja!)

More about me:

4 Favorite Foods:--that I like to order in restaurants
Thai Green Curry
Steamed Vegetable Dumplings
A big bowl of mussels to share with Dan

4 hobbies--which I have dropped but want to pick up again, eventually...:
playing the Lute
reading classic novels

4 things I am neglecting while taking intensive Latin:--oh well, it ends on August 10!

OK, that was a good break from Latin that required no pictures. OK, I tag...um...my sisters, Joni and Angela. As soon as they get themselves a blog. Hurry up.

1 comment:

i'm h.mac said...

Great read Eva, you are the most interesting person. The Thai Curry makes me miss New Haven, and the jobs really were interesting. I also loved the social securities web site when I was preggo with Easton. It was fun to see names in that way. Thanks!