Friday, July 17, 2009

The Story of Orion and Pinocchio

On Dan's recent trip to Rome he bought a wooden Pinocchio toy for Orion, which was an instant hit.

His investigation of the toy let to a complete disregard for patient Calamity's personal space. (Orion likes to treat furry animals as armchairs.)Calamity eventually tired of this breach of protocol.

Orion really loved this toy. I say loved, because Pinocchio turned into a real, albeit miniature, boy with long nose, pointy hat, and kneeless limbs that walked off during our quick trip to Manhattan. We miss him, but hope that he enjoys his big city adventure, where he may not lead a gentler life than the one we gave him.


Becca said...

Ah, I grew up with this same toy, which was similarly tortured without the relief of a Manhatten escape. Have fun out there, Caro Pinocchio.

aallan said...

orion is getting huge!!!!
also there is a baby here in salem who is orion's age and is the sweetest, best-natured little thing in the world. her name is rachel. i want to put them on a blind date.

K said...

Orion is so funny. I miss you guys so much.

Tammy said...

Poor cat! I love how Orion is just sitting on him! Ha! Brian is intrigued by animals and points and stares, but if we get him close enough to actually touch one, he starts crying. I think we have a while to go before he could feel comfortable enough to just sit on one!

I've been gone all summer, but later in August things settle down, so we should plan a play date soon.

Unknown said...

Very cute baby!

Sarah said...

I think every child has a story like this (it was an airplane, not Manhattan for us) but it doesn't make it any less traumatic for the little guy!

Have you seen the storybook Knuffle Bunny?

It's very cute, and reminds me a bit of this situation.