Sunday, April 19, 2009

Dinos and Dogwoods

Orion's first visit to the Peabody Museum--I thought he would be too young, but we read our dinosaur books (That's not my dinosaur/Questo non e' il mio dinosauro/Oh My Oh My Oh Dinosaurs) before we went; and Orion loved it--he kept pointing and toddling away toward the huge skeletons, and squealing, Dinosaurs! (DAIH-zazas!!) Thanks Whit for the photos!
Ah, spring, when a young man's fancy turns to dinosaurs. (And when the weather lets us walk to the museum!! Finalmente!)
The dogwoods from Grandpa Joe are beginning to bloom! Orion looooooves dogs, so they are an appropriate choice.
He's been helping me water them...and drinks from the hose when we're done. If you think this is unsanitary, well, he's probably washing down the dirt he ate right before this. At least Dan rescued the earthworm from his terrible toddler mandibles.


Sarah said...

Love the pictures. Juma simply loves the Peabody, too, and has since he was a wee one like Orion.

Whitney said...

hey cute blog! you are quite the little traveler! sorry you couldn't stay on sat..i think the lunch was the best part :) we'll have to have another play date soon!