Monday, March 30, 2009


So, here we are at perhaps the oldest zoological garden. We had a great time admiring the animals and architecture, both of which included baroque and modern examples. These pictures are out of order--Orion was not tired after the sight of one (baroque) rhinocerous, but after a long time and many fantastic creatures.
I think of the elephant as somewhat neo-classical.
This cheetah was looking for a snack, and prowling quite close to us. I think he was eyeing a certain cute, plump 14-month-old.
Another example of fashionable camouflage adaptation (and the baroque cafe in the middle of the zoo. Yes, elegant cafes were everywhere! It was wonderful!):
A not-wary cassowary and his observers:
The humans could wander through the birds' space--a Viennese Mädchen for scale:

AND, after the zoo and a jaunt through the woods we wandered up to the Gloriette, a magnificent Empress Marie-Therese hangout and delicate baroque structure at the top of the hill overlooking the Schloss. I hear you ask, was there a cafe in there as well? Mais oui, perche no, aber ja! And I had a quite lovely Schwarzenwald torte there, to relive my Berlin example, after a large lunch.
Here is the Empress-worthy view (of her own cherished domain):

And then we went back to Cafe Central. I loved the hot chocolate with amaretto--it took me back to my childhood and I was 12 in a blizzard again. Here is Orion choosing his dessert, and ordering from the menu (books in all forms are his favorite things).

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Orion is the luckiest baby around.

Up for afternoon tea sometime so we can catch up?