Friday, March 21, 2008

Back from a Symposium

Note to self: after having a baby, don't do anything that isn't baby-related for two full months. (And don't count on the 9th month of pregnancy to do anything requiring energy or a brain.) I took February off, but I was invited to speak at a symposium on March 20, so of course I had to prepare my presentation. It was an opportunity not to be missed, with many experts in my field, and I was the only graduate student--excuse me, Ph.D. candidate--that was invited. Plus, the exhibition is on multi-block prints, precisely related to my diss. research. Anyway, my talk was well received over all, and I was gratified that the audience oohed at my images and laughed at my (extremely mild) jokes, and it was even good that there were many tough and divisive questions at the end, because it shows that my topic is interesting, even galvanizing. Dan was great and came with me to watch the babe, and though I missed the bulk of several talks for breastfeeding, I also had lunch with my two sisters (yay a fan club!). The best parts were answering undergrad questions, and a little old lady who said my talk was refreshing after (a prestigious university professor's) drivel (which I wish I'd been able to see in full, to form my own opinion), and other enthusiastic reviews (one by another prestigious international Durer expert). Especially my advisors, who said of course I was right, and that it was an excellent talk. So there. Now I can get back to putting cute pictures of baby on the blog. Which cute baby was admired by print curators and experts, and I was very proud. And insane.


i'm h.mac said...

welcome to motherhood!

Becca said...

Yes, insane indeed! You are brave and you did it!! Congrats on a sensational day! I bet it was nice to be out in the world for a bit!

Let me know when you are settled and ready for lunch!

ScennyLloyd said...

Hey Eva,
What a cute baby. Great Blog! your cousin, Scott Lloyd

nathalia said...

You are such an inspiration! Great advice about taking it easy, and what a great opportunity to speak and impress everyone! I'm impressed!